The Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Hrymoc, M.D.
two pairs of hands holding mental health awareness ribbon as an expression of the importance of mental health awareness

Mental health awareness is crucial as it reduces stigma, promotes early intervention, and supports individuals seeking help. By fostering understanding and acceptance, awareness encourages a supportive community, improves access to mental health services, and enhances overall well-being. Recognizing mental health’s importance leads to better outcomes for individuals and society. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in five young people and adults experience a mental health condition. Many people struggle with mental health issues in silence due to stigma and lack of understanding. Raising mental health awareness helps reduce this stigma, encouraging individuals to seek the help they need. Promoting awareness creates a more supportive community, leading to early intervention and better overall well-being for everyone. This article explores the importance of mental health awareness. Mental Health Awareness Month Since 1949, every May, the United States has observed Mental Health Awareness Month, a program started …

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National Fentanyl Awareness Day 2024

fentanyl awareness

By Ashley Barnes, M.S. National Fentanyl Awareness Day 2024 May 7, 2024 is the third annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day. This day unites parents, teachers,  individuals, community groups, corporations, influencers, and government entities to help put an end to this national public health crisis. People, notably young people, are taking illicitly manufactured fentanyl without even being aware and dying at frightening rates as a result. “Last year, over 70,000 Americans fatally overdosed on illegally made fentanyl. Fentanyl is now found in fake pills and many street drugs, but users are often unaware that their drugs contain the potent opioid. This is an urgent public health crisis that puts all of us, and our loved ones, at risk. We all must play a role in preventing further tragedies” (National Fentanyl Awareness Day, 2024) What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a Schedule II narcotic under the United States Controlled Substances Act of 1970 …

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Stress Awareness Month 2024

fentanyl awareness

By Ashley Barnes, M.S. What is Stress Awareness Month? Stress Awareness Month has been recognized during the month of April since 1992; it spreads awareness of the ways in which stress impacts our mental and physical health as well as urges us to find healthy ways to manage our own stress. What is stress and how does it impact us? What exactly is stress? According to the American Psychological Association, stress is defined as “the physiological or psychological response to internal or external stressors. Stress involves changes affecting nearly every system of the body, influencing how people feel and behave” (2024). In other words, stress is our own response to stimuli (stressors). Stress can be acute (responses to short term stressors) or chronic (response to ongoing, long term stressors), and not all stress is bad. Some stress can help us better navigate situations such as job interviews or help us …

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The Difference Between Borderline and Bipolar Disorders

woman talking to therapist about the difference between borderline and bipolar

What is the difference between borderline and bipolar disorders? People may confuse borderline and bipolar disorder due to them having two or three similar symptoms. However, they are very different, each with unique characteristics that help professionals diagnose and treat them appropriately. Borderline, a personality disorder, and bipolar, a mood disorder, can have a severe impact on someone’s life and interfere with daily functioning if left untreated. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and bipolar disorder (BD) are two of the more common mental illnesses. One of the signature traits of BPD is a person’s inability to regulate their emotions. With BD, a person’s mood changes in cycles from depression to mania. Getting the correct diagnosis is crucial to avoid the adverse effects of both disorders. This article explores the difference between borderline and bipolar. What is Borderline Personality Disorder? The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 1.4% of Americans have …

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How Does Bipolar Disorder Affect the Brain?

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Hrymoc, M.D.
Smiling woman after asking how does bipolar disorder affect the brain

How does bipolar disorder affect the brain? Bipolar disorder impacts the brain by causing alterations in mood regulation mechanisms, neurotransmitter levels, and neural circuitry. This can lead to significant mood swings, ranging from manic highs to depressive lows. Studies suggest changes in brain volume and activity, particularly in areas responsible for emotional regulation and cognitive function, contributing to the symptoms and challenges associated with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that significantly impact an individual’s life. These mood fluctuations correlate with profound changes in brain structure and function, affecting emotional regulation, energy levels, and cognitive processes. Fortunately, bipolar disorder treatment can help stabilize mood swings, reduce episode severity and frequency, and improve daily functioning. This article explores a common question we hear – how does bipolar disorder affect the brain? How Does Bipolar Disorder Affect the Brain? Bipolar disorder, marked by …

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