Depression and How You Can Support Your Partner


By Ashley Barnes Depression and relationships. Depression often impacts a person’s functioning in several spheres of their lives including but not limited to employment, education, tasks of daily living, and our interpersonal relationships. Romantic relationships in particular can take the brunt of depressive hardship. Many people report that their romantic relationships have become strained as a result of living with depression. This strain may be due to the relationship dynamic being impacted by a combination of depression symptoms and a lack of understanding. Understanding depression. Understanding what your partner experiences, even if you haven’t personally experienced depression, can help foster a deeper sense of empathy. Some people best understand depression through metaphors. One such metaphor is that depression feels like being stuck at the bottom of a well. Your partner, at the bottom of the well, feels stuck, isolated, and too exhausted to climb out. They may try to start …

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4 Ways to Heal from Heartbreak


By Ashley Barnes Perhaps one of the most impactful and profound experiences of young adulthood is our first heartbreak or break up. The pain is certainly emotional in nature but can also show up somatically, hence people describing break ups as resulting in a “broken heart.” The pain is undeniable and valid, especially when considering the time, energy, and meaning that is placed on our first serious relationships. For many, the first serious heartbreak occurs as a result of college. Relationships may end due to partners being far away from each other at different schools. Some couples may strive to make long-distance relationships work despite this, but find that it is too difficult and ultimately part. Others may go to the same school but end up breaking up. We may meet a partner at school, date for a while, and then things may not work out; after breaking up, we …

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College Tips: Speaking From Experience


By Ashley Barnes Adjusting. Adjusting to any new environment can be daunting and intimidating. You may not know exactly what to expect out of your new college environment. You won’t be surrounded by the same group of friends from back home, you likely won’t be eating the same food, and definitely won’t be sleeping in the same bed. You may feel alone in this drastically different experience filled with change, novelty, and it may feel overwhelming! The reality is, everyone around you will be going through similar adjustments. Acknowledging the universality of this change may help readers better understand that you are not alone in this seemingly lonely experience. In fact, you will be presented with many opportunities to form valuable and lasting connections. Finding a routine. Part of adjusting is finding a new sense of stability. Finding a new sense of stability can be achieved through the creation of …

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Addressing Change


By Ashley Barnes Change. One doesn’t have to be diagnosed with adjustment disorder (which is an actual diagnosis) to have a hard time with change. The reality is that we will be faced with many changes throughout the course of our lives. Your favorite restaurant in your hometown may close its doors for the last time. You may leave the expectancy, sureness, and comfort of your home for a dorm room. You may adjust to a new job, or change careers entirely. You may be navigating the drastic change that comes with the loss of a relationship or the death of a loved one.  We so often grow comfortable and rooted in certain aspects of our lives that when change comes about, we feel uprooted. Change can be surprising or it can be anxiously anticipated. It could evoke fear and excitement simultaneously. Whatever comes up for you, I want to …

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10 Online Therapy Options for Adults with Childhood Trauma


Childhood Trauma Childhood trauma refers to experiences that cause significant distress or harm during a child’s developmental years. These experiences can profoundly affect a child’s emotional, psychological, and physical well-being, potentially influencing their behavior and development into adulthood. Childhood trauma refers to distressing or harmful experiences that occur during a child’s developmental years and can have lasting effects on their well-being. In places like Los Angeles, California, and specifically areas such as West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and West Hollywood, childhood trauma can manifest through various forms including abuse, neglect, or exposure to household dysfunction. In these communities, childhood trauma might be influenced by factors unique to these environments. For instance, children in Beverly Hills or West Hollywood might face trauma related to high expectations or family pressures, while those in other parts of Los Angeles might experience trauma related to socioeconomic disparities or community violence. One framework for understanding …

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