Getting the Most out of a Ketamine IV Infusion
Participating in IV ketamine infusions is a big deal. You have been suffering for years while trying medications, therapy, and alternative treatments. No matter what you tried, nothing seemed to work. Now, you are learning that a ketamine IV infusion is a viable option for those who do not respond to traditional medicines and medicine combinations. Ketamine can be administered by a clinical psychiatrist or doctor specializing in mental health, in their office, with the assistance of a nurse. The drug can be given in three forms: A nasal spray Injection into a muscle and Intravenously (IV) IV ketamine is a preferred method by many. One reason may be that there are numerous ways to get the most out of a Ketamine IV infusion. What is a Ketamine IV Infusion? Receiving a drug intravenously means your doctor delivers ketamine directly into your veins. There are two types of intravenous techniques, …