January Mental Wellness Month (Let’s Celebrate!)
It’s that time of year when everyone is thinking about New Year’s resolutions. The most common is to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, get organized, and learn a new skill or hobby. Other common resolutions focus on family, travel, and having more fun. But what about resolutions for mental health conditions? To kick off the year, celebrate January Mental Wellness Month for better mental health and well-being for all of 2023. Focusing on Mental Wellness This Year All resolutions are worthy and can be accomplished. So, why do up to 80% fail within the first few months of the year? One reason may be that no one resolved to focus on mental wellness, which is needed to accomplish any goal. To make lasting changes, you need to prepare for them mentally. Plus, when you abandon your goals, it can be mentally exhausting. Too often, guilt and negative self-talk about not …