Managing Mental Health and Breast Cancer

Managing mental health and breast cancer

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis and undergoing treatments can be emotionally traumatizing for some. The National Cancer Institute reports that 25% of patients, about one out of three, with a cancer diagnosis also have a diagnosis of depression. Other reports state that 40% of patients with breast cancer also have anxiety. When it comes to mental health and breast cancer, it is normal to have a wide range of emotions when facing such a challenge. You don’t know what to expect and can become overwhelmed with fear and worry. Research shows your mental health can impact cancer treatments and survival. In a study on Veterans, those who received mental health treatment during cancer treatments lived longer than those who did not receive mental health care. At any stage of cancer, whether you are just getting a diagnosis or have already kicked cancer to the curb, engaging in therapy can help. Fortunately, there are many …

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How to Prepare for Your First Therapy Session

How to prepare for your first therapy session

Have you thought about seeking individual therapy but are reluctant to make an appointment? Or do you make an appointment but cancel it the next day? You are not alone, and for many, the reason is that you did not know how to prepare for your first therapy session. Being unprepared can create anxiety and anxiety-related symptoms. To get rid of anxiety, most people will eliminate the cause. For example, you make an appointment with a therapist. In the days before the appointment, your anxiety levels rise and cause discomfort. You cancel the meeting, and the anxiety fades. Although your anxiety over the appointment disappears, your original problem remains. The good news is that there are things you can do to ensure you follow through with your first therapy session without anxiety. Below are examples on how to prepare for your first therapy session that will make you feel prepped and …

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Getting the Most out of a Ketamine IV Infusion

Getting the most out of a Ketamine IV infusion

Participating in IV ketamine infusions is a big deal. You have been suffering for years while trying medications, therapy, and alternative treatments. No matter what you tried, nothing seemed to work. Now, you are learning that a ketamine IV infusion is a viable option for those who do not respond to traditional medicines and medicine combinations. Ketamine can be administered by a clinical psychiatrist or doctor specializing in mental health, in their office, with the assistance of a nurse. The drug can be given in three forms: A nasal spray Injection into a muscle and Intravenously (IV) IV ketamine is a preferred method by many. One reason may be that there are numerous ways to get the most out of a Ketamine IV infusion. What is a Ketamine IV Infusion? Receiving a drug intravenously means your doctor delivers ketamine directly into your veins. There are two types of intravenous techniques, …

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What is DBT Group Therapy?

What is DBT group therapy?

Have you ever felt like you are too tired to go to work, yet you go and push through? Have you ever been happy for someone else and sad for yourself? Do you know how it feels to want to stop misusing alcohol or drugs and simultaneously want to feel intoxicated? Do you accept and love your body the way it is and want to lose weight? These statements are examples of dialectical thinking. But what is DBT, or dialectical behavioral therapy? And what is DBT Group Therapy? You can probably develop a long list of personal examples consisting of love and hate or want and don’t want scenarios. One researcher discovered that accepting yourself while seeking change benefits people with certain mental health disorders. Who Created DBT Therapy? In the 1980s, Dr. Marsha Linehan worked with clients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). She found it was …

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What Does Bipolar Feel Like?

What does bipolar feel like?

The National Institute of Mental Health reports that 4.4% of American adults have bipolar disorder. But, what does bipolar feel like? And how do you know if you might have it? Onset typically occurs in a person’s mid-twenties, with people between 18 and 29 having the highest rates of the disorder. While bipolar disorder is not curable, it is treatable and can be managed so you can lead a productive, healthy lifestyle. If left untreated, however, bipolar disorder can negatively affect your overall health. For example, it can cause a reduction in lifespan among some people but increase the risk of suicide and substance use disorders. What is Bipolar Disorder? Daily events and encounters produce ups and downs that lead to mood fluctuations. It is not unusual to feel happy and excited when something good happens and sad or blue when something bad happens. These mood shifts are considered “normal.” Moods undergo abnormal …

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