Getting Through the Holidays with an Eating Disorder
Getting through the holidays with an eating disorder can be rough. Millions of people suffer from an eating condition, including 28.8 million in the United States and at least 9% worldwide. Athletes, veterans, LGBTQ+, and many other races, genders, and ages are affected. It’s sad, but among children, 42% of first through third graders reported they want to be thinner. Coping with an eating disorder, especially during food-focused events occurring during the holidays, can be incredibly challenging due to all the constant festivities. For example, you could have an unofficial office party, hump day happy hour with friends, and a family reunion on the weekend in one week. No wonder someone with an eating disorder may feel stressed and overwhelmed during the holidays. Some may not realize they have an eating disorder and wonder why their thoughts and actions regarding food and their body worsen when they should celebrate and …