
Workplace Stress, Burnout, and the Stress Cycle: 9 Things You Can Do for Your Mental Health


By Ashley Barnes, M.S. Stressors and Stress Stressors are what activate the stress response in the body and stress is the neurological and physiological shift that happens when you encounter one of these stressors. For so many of us, work-related stressors activate our stress response. Whether it’s searching for a job in our current economic conditions, experiencing burnout from working long hours without adequate rest, or working a high pressure job, work stress can permeate our daily lives – in and outside of work. Emily Nagoski PhD’s book, “Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle,” describes stress as “an evolutionarily adaptive response that helps us cope with things like, say, being chased by a lion or charged by a hippo. When your brain notices the lion (or hippo), it activates a generic ‘stress response,’ a cascade of neurological and hormonal activity that initiates physiological changes to help you survive…this …

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Vaping and Children’s Health 2023


By Ashley Barnes, M.S. What is vaping? Vaping is synonymous with e-cigarettes (electronic cigarettes) and has increased in popularity over the last decade. According to a description from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): E-cigarettes/vapes are electronic devices that heat a liquid and produce an aerosol, or mix of small particles in the air. E-cigarettes/vapes come in many shapes and sizes. Most have a battery, a heating element, and a place to hold a liquid. Some e-cigarettes/vapes look like regular cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Some look like USB flash drives, pens, and other everyday items. Larger devices such as tank systems, or “mods,” do not look like other tobacco products. E-cigarettes are known by many different names. They are sometimes called “e-cigs,” “e-hookahs,” “mods,” “vape pens,” “vapes,” “tank systems,” and “electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).” Using an e-cigarette is sometimes called “vaping.” Big tobacco companies have marketed vaping …

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Meaningful Engagement for Seniors: Why it’s Important


By Ashley Barnes, M.S. Why Meaningful Engagement Matters A growing body of research suggests that the strongest predictor of happiness in old age is meaningful engagement – with society and each-other.  The McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) analyzed over 70 recent, peer-reviewed academic studies on the societal participation of older adults and “found six thematic health benefits: reduced mortality rates; reduced cognitive disability; less functional disability and frailty; decreased loneliness and depression; increased physical activity levels, and enhanced meaning and quality of life” (2023).  A McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) analysis that surveyed individuals 55 and older across 21 countries recently added to this research, indicating that having a sense of purpose in life and meaningful connections with others were among the most important factors that bolster the health of older adults around the world (2023).  Meaningful Engagement The findings support the concept of societal participation being important to mental health and …

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How to Improve Mental Health in Elderly Parents

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Hrymoc, M.D.
How to Improve Mental Health in Elderly Parents

One in four older adults has symptoms of a mental health disorder, and as the population ages, the number is expected to rise. However, mental illness is not something people should expect to occur as they age because aging is not a risk factor. So why do so many older adults avoid seeking help? Some feel they would be a burden asking for help, some don’t recognize their symptoms as mental illness, and some overlook their symptoms due to physical ailments. If your elderly parents experience mental health symptoms, there are things you can do to improve their symptoms and their overall well-being.   Know the Most Common Mental Illnesses in Elderly Parents Anxiety and depression are on the rise among mental health issues among older adults. Among the anxiety disorders, specific phobia is the most common, followed by social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, and …

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7 Healthy Habits for Mental Health


By Ashley Barnes, M.S. 7 Habits for Mental Health Our daily habits may not seem to have a drastic impact on our mental health and well-being, but they definitely do. The following are 7 healthy habits that can enhance well-being and mental health:  Exercise Yes, you could have guessed that this would make the list.  We know that exercise is recommended for improving our physical health but has also been researched and observed to have positive benefits on mental health. It increases endorphins in our bodies, which help us effectively cope with stress and pain. Further, when we exercise, studies show that this can in turn positively impact our sleep cycles, enhancing our quality of sleep (Korb, 2015).  Exercise can look different for each of us depending on our ability status and the time we are allotted with our various responsibilities, but finding ways to integrate exercise into our schedules …

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