How to Ask for Help with Mental Health

How to ask for help with mental health

Do you know how to ask for help with mental health? Are you aware that many resources and tools are available? There is good news in the field of mental health. The number of people seeking treatment for mental health disorders is rising. The American Psychological Association notes that a recent practitioner survey found psychologists see an increase in calls for help. Results of the survey show that since the pandemic, the following have increased: 12% increase in depressive disorders 10% increase in anxiety disorders 9% increase in substance use disorders 12% increase in trauma and stress disorders While the increase is great and more people are getting the help they need, 46% of Americans with mental illness are still not receiving treatment. Reasons People Do Not Ask for Help There are many barriers to treatment, and they differ for each person. A barrier is something or someone preventing a person from …

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January Mental Wellness Month (Let’s Celebrate!)

January mental wellness month (Let's Celebrate!)

It’s that time of year when everyone is thinking about New Year’s resolutions. The most common is to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, get organized, and learn a new skill or hobby. Other common resolutions focus on family, travel, and having more fun. But what about resolutions for mental health conditions? To kick off the year, celebrate January Mental Wellness Month for better mental health and well-being for all of 2023. Focusing on Mental Wellness This Year All resolutions are worthy and can be accomplished. So, why do up to 80% fail within the first few months of the year? One reason may be that no one resolved to focus on mental wellness, which is needed to accomplish any goal. To make lasting changes, you need to prepare for them mentally. Plus, when you abandon your goals, it can be mentally exhausting. Too often, guilt and negative self-talk about not …

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Helping Children’s Mental Health

children's mental health

By Ashley Barnes   The Current State of Children’s Mental Health. So many of us understand the deep emotional and mental toll that the pandemic and current events have created. Perhaps one of the hardest hit populations are children. Imagine moving through one of the most important periods of life where one’s social and emotional skills are critically important, where the brain is particularly malleable, only to be robbed of this crucial, enriching experience. We are merely starting to uncover the ways in which the pandemic (amongst other world events) have impacted children’s mental health. Even before the pandemic, children’s mental health struggled: According to state data, Suicide rates among Black youth doubled between 2014 and 2020. Incidents of youth deliberately causing self-harm increased 50 percent in California between 2009 and 2018, the state auditor reported.  According to a CalMatters analysis of state data, between 2019 and 2020, opioid-related overdoses …

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022

children's mental health

By Ashley Barnes   Why International Day of Persons with Disabilities? December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), “promoting the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities at every level of society and development, and to raise awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic, and cultural life” (World Health Organization, 2022). IDPD is meant to educate the general public about the extra challenges that persons with disabilities face with the aim to break down such barriers. In a world built to serve the “able-bodied,” it becomes increasingly important to reinforce the rights of persons with disabilities. When referring to those living with a disability, we use the term “persons with disabilities” instead of other, potentially harmful terminology. “Persons with disabilities” is an example of “people-first language,” putting the person before the diagnosis; this defines what a person has rather …

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Coping with Grief During the Holidays

children's mental health

By Ashley Barnes Recent Events. Grief touches all of us. Many readers are familiar with the recent tragedy at the University of Virginia (UVA). While on a bus returning from a field trip in Washington D.C., three innocent young men lost their lives to gun violence. Headlines like these have become too familiar and the impact of these losses on victims’ loved ones is insurmountable. The Mental Health Center extends our most heartfelt condolences to the victims’ families and anyone else who is grieving as we move into the holidays.  What is grief? Though many of us are familiar with grief and the heaviness of emotions that it entails, it can look different for all of us. Hospice Foundation of America describes grief as a reaction to loss, as subjective and varied much like how no snowflake is identical; there is no timetable to grief and we may express our …

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