Depression and How You Can Support Your Partner


By Ashley Barnes Depression and relationships. Depression often impacts a person’s functioning in several spheres of their lives including but not limited to employment, education, tasks of daily living, and our interpersonal relationships. Romantic relationships in particular can take the brunt of depressive hardship. Many people report that their romantic relationships have become strained as a result of living with depression. This strain may be due to the relationship dynamic being impacted by a combination of depression symptoms and a lack of understanding. Understanding depression. Understanding what your partner experiences, even if you haven’t personally experienced depression, can help foster a deeper sense of empathy. Some people best understand depression through metaphors. One such metaphor is that depression feels like being stuck at the bottom of a well. Your partner, at the bottom of the well, feels stuck, isolated, and too exhausted to climb out. They may try to start …

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How Does Substance Abuse Affect Families?

How does substance abuse affect families

How does substance abuse affect families? The answer is complex, but in short, it has the potential to impact familial relationships in several ways. In fact, one myth about substance abuse is that it only affects the person misusing drugs or alcohol. Ask any family with a loved one struggling with addiction, and they will tell you how they have all been affected. Current reports suggest over 20 million American adults have a diagnosable substance use disorder. That means around 20 million families are impacted by a loved one’s addiction. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) reports one in eight children lives with at least one parent with a substance use disorder. How Does Substance Abuse Affect Families? Whether you are a child, sibling, parent, or extended family member of a person with a substance use disorder, you can be impacted physiologically and psychologically. Changes Family Roles Each family …

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6 Ways Ketamine for Mental Health is Therapeutic

6 ways ketamine for mental health is therapeutic

Some people avoid going to mental health treatment because they have tried it in the past, but it did not help. They may have taken medicine, attended therapy, and followed through with all recommendations by the therapist, but their symptoms did not improve – also called treatment-resistant mental illness. However, the good news is that for this barrier, ketamine for mental health can be a solution. Mental Health America reports that over 50 million American adults struggle with mental health disorders, with nearly 5% having a severe mental illness. The National Health Interview study found only 21% of adults with mental illness receive treatment, an increase from previous years. Barriers to treatment can be psychological, physical, and even financial. Some may not go because they are in denial and do not believe they have a problem, despite experiencing consequences. Others may not think they can afford mental health services, lack transportation, time …

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National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month


By Ashley Barnes   What is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month? October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month and was created to call attention to the illness of depression on a national level, emphasizing the importance of educating the public about symptoms and effective treatment. Further, screening for mental health issues is essential in the course of effective treatment. Depression. Depression is one of the most common mental health challenges that people experience. According to Harvard Health Publishing, “Research suggests that depression doesn’t spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, there are many possible causes of depression, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, and stressful life events. It’s believed that several of these forces interact to bring on depression” (2022).  Common symptoms of depression: Depressed mood: feelings of sadness, hopelessness, emptiness. Lack of pleasure: in various …

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Managing Mental Health and Breast Cancer

Managing mental health and breast cancer

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis and undergoing treatments can be emotionally traumatizing for some. The National Cancer Institute reports that 25% of patients, about one out of three, with a cancer diagnosis also have a diagnosis of depression. Other reports state that 40% of patients with breast cancer also have anxiety. When it comes to mental health and breast cancer, it is normal to have a wide range of emotions when facing such a challenge. You don’t know what to expect and can become overwhelmed with fear and worry. Research shows your mental health can impact cancer treatments and survival. In a study on Veterans, those who received mental health treatment during cancer treatments lived longer than those who did not receive mental health care. At any stage of cancer, whether you are just getting a diagnosis or have already kicked cancer to the curb, engaging in therapy can help. Fortunately, there are many …

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