The Danger of Self-Medicating to Deal with Stress
Self-medicating to deal with stress is a nationwide problem. Stress in America 2022 revealed more than one in 10 adults said they have been using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax. This coping mechanism, known as self-medicating, carries severe potential consequences. The dangers of self-medicating to deal with stress extend far beyond the immediate hazards, with individuals risking not only physical health complications but also a potential downward spiral into addiction. If you use drugs, alcohol, or other substances to deal with stress, it is crucial to understand the risks to your physical and mental health. In this article, we’re exploring the danger of self-medicating to deal with stress. Mental Health Challenges of Self-Medicating to Deal with Stress Misusing any substance may lead to dependence on the substance, thinking it must have it to survive. Dependence may lead to addiction. These effects on the brain can worsen pre-existing mental health …