The Danger of Self-Medicating to Deal with Stress

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Hrymoc, M.D.
woman self medicating to deal with stress

Self-medicating to deal with stress is a nationwide problem. Stress in America 2022 revealed more than one in 10 adults said they have been using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax. This coping mechanism, known as self-medicating, carries severe potential consequences. The dangers of self-medicating to deal with stress extend far beyond the immediate hazards, with individuals risking not only physical health complications but also a potential downward spiral into addiction. If you use drugs, alcohol, or other substances to deal with stress, it is crucial to understand the risks to your physical and mental health. In this article, we’re exploring the danger of self-medicating to deal with stress. Mental Health Challenges of Self-Medicating to Deal with Stress Misusing any substance may lead to dependence on the substance, thinking it must have it to survive. Dependence may lead to addiction.  These effects on the brain can worsen pre-existing mental health …

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How to Overcome Postpartum Disorder

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Hrymoc, M.D.
How to Overcome Postpartum Disorder

Women, men, and adoptive parents can experience some postpartum depression (PPD). According to research, one in seven women who give birth will experience PPD. Symptoms vary depending on the specific type of PPD. All types can be overwhelming and take away from the joy of new parenthood. Postpartum disorders have been well-researched, and there are many treatments available. With help, you can make a full recovery. Keep reading to learn how your symptoms compare to the various types of postpartum disorders, why you are experiencing symptoms when others are not, and how to overcome postpartum disorders. Understanding How to Overcome Postpartum Disorder The more knowledge you have about PPD, the more power you can have over it. Learning about the various types of postpartum disorders is a significant first step in overcoming your symptoms. Below is a brief overview of the types: Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression can range from baby …

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Types of Therapy for Mental Health

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Hrymoc, M.D.
types of therapy for mental health

Mental health therapy is more accessible today than ever, and the stigma of going to treatment is fading. Over 26 million people struggling with mental health issues are receiving treatment and experiencing success. Reports state that 75% of people in therapy receive benefits. Most therapists use a combination of the types of therapy for mental health. The more you know about each type, the easier it will be for you and your therapist to choose the best one to deal with your specific issues. Keep reading to learn the clinical definitions of different therapy categories and the techniques under each that may provide successful outcomes for you. Psychodynamic Therapy for Mental Health Psychodynamic therapy aims to find the source of your problems by delving into your past. It is believed that unresolved issues from your past are stored in your unconscious mind and reveal themselves in current thoughts, feelings, and …

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How to Process Trauma in Therapy

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Hrymoc, M.D.
doctor teaching client how to process trauma in therapy

Processing trauma in therapy involves creating a safe space where individuals can explore and understand their traumatic experiences. With the guidance of a qualified therapist, individuals can use various techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR, or narrative therapy to work through emotions, memories, and develop coping strategies. It’s important for the therapy to be paced appropriately to avoid retraumatization. Reports suggest that 6% of Americans, over 8 million, will experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to research, traumatic experiences included 49% sexual assaults, 32% physical assaults, 16.8% serious accidents, and 15.4% shot or stabbed. In addition, 14.3% lost a loved one, 10.4% were parents of children who are dying, 7.3% witnessed violence against another person, and 3.8% survived a natural disaster. It’s important to mention that over 300 million war survivors worldwide have PTSD. Symptoms can interfere with daily functioning at work, school, and home. If you or someone you …

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Who is Not a Good Candidate for Ketamine Therapy?

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Hrymoc, M.D.
who is not a good candidate for ketamine therapy

More than 17 million adults in America alone have a diagnosable depressive disorder. It is estimated that one-third of this group experience resistance to treatment. Despite trying multiple methods of treatment involving medications and behavioral therapies, they do not find relief.  Treatment-resistant depression can make you feel hopeless and like there is no solution to your problem. Worsening depression can lead to suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts. Ketamine therapy helps those with treatment-resistant depression and erases thoughts of suicide for many people. It may be a good solution for you also. Keep reading to learn more about who is and who is not a good candidate for Ketamine therapy. Considerations for Who Is Not a Good Candidate for Ketamine Therapy When considering treatment options for depressive disorders, your psychiatrist will conduct a comprehensive assessment to ensure you can benefit from Ketamine therapy. Treatment considerations include the following: Severity of depressive …

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