Managing Mental Health and Breast Cancer

Managing mental health and breast cancer

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis and undergoing treatments can be emotionally traumatizing for some. The National Cancer Institute reports that 25% of patients, about one out of three, with a cancer diagnosis also have a diagnosis of depression. Other reports state that 40% of patients with breast cancer also have anxiety. When it comes to mental health and breast cancer, it is normal to have a wide range of emotions when facing such a challenge. You don’t know what to expect and can become overwhelmed with fear and worry. Research shows your mental health can impact cancer treatments and survival. In a study on Veterans, those who received mental health treatment during cancer treatments lived longer than those who did not receive mental health care. At any stage of cancer, whether you are just getting a diagnosis or have already kicked cancer to the curb, engaging in therapy can help. Fortunately, there are many …

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