Coping with Recent Tragedy
Recent Events. The tragic mass shooting that took place in Uvalde, Texas weighs heavy on our hearts and minds. It’s difficult to find the words to describe the pain we are feeling, though the event is surely marked with incomparable grief. Many people suggest we view gun violence as a health crisis seeing that in the United States, there are more than 100 gun deaths each day and about 38,000 each year with rates continuing to rise (Mastroianni, 2022). In turn, the consequent mental health ramifications must also be attended to with great care. Mental health ramifications. After such horrible events, our minds can be riddled with worry and anxiety. Many of us may experience nightmares, increased hypervigilance in certain spaces, and may even struggle with falling and staying asleep. It is important to note that if readers are experiencing these symptoms in light of recent events, it is a …